Paranormal Searchers

Thursday, September 17, 2009

'Dark' UFO seen over Lake Huron Campground

A Michigan couple was about to pack it in for the night at the Lake Huron Campground when they noticed four lights in the sky in a perfect geometric shape - like a cross, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

They first noticed "four red/pink lights that were very bright in the sky to the north" and moving in perfect formation.
Following is the unedited witness statement from MUFON.

MI, September 12, 2009 - Dark object moving across sky - appearing to go on or into Lake Huron. MUFON Case # 19348.

We were camping Saturday, Sept. 12th at Lake Huron Campground, which is situated on the west side of M-25 on the shore of Lake Huron. It was about 9:25 p.m., it was dark already, but no clouds - it was very clear and you could see all the stars in the sky.

Our firepit had burned down and we were in the process of going back inside our camper. When we got up from our chairs and turned around to the north to move our chairs next to our camper we both noticed four red/pink lights that were very bright in the sky to the north.

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