Paranormal Searchers

Friday, September 25, 2009

Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs

David Serada, a UFO enthusiast, interviews the comedian Dan Aykroyd who claims he has had experiences with alien beings. Aykroyd expounds on his own UFO beliefs on matters related to extraterrestrials. Footage of this interview is mixed with video and film of these flying objects, video clips of a former Canadian defense minister speaking on the subject, audio clips of astronauts speaking about UFOs in space and more…

“Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs” explores past and present sightings from around the world with shocking real footage, much of it never before seen, that will leave even the most skeptical viewers scratching their heads. Along with the fascinating collection of stunning eyewitness videos, Aykroyd reveals his own vast knowledge of the strange and paranormal as he explores in detail his views on conspiracy theories, military secrets, and how UFO technology is currently part of our everyday lives.

1 comment:

  1. I had seen this a while back and was really impressed. It was well done. Definitely left me wondering.
