Paranormal Searchers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bell Curve Experiment

Bell Curve- This page allows you to perform various kinds of “runs” to determine if you are able to retroactively influence the output of a hardware random number generator based on radioactive decay. Your browser must support Java™ to run this experiment; if you do not see a bell curve with a moving pointer at the left of this paragraph, your browser either does not implement Java, or Java applets have been disabled. Due to the wide variety of browsers and differences from system to system, I cannot help you with Java installation and configuration. If you need basic help with Java, please contact your system administrator, a knowledgeable friend, or the supplier of the browser you're using.

Running an Experiment

The following paragraphs will walk you through the process of running your first experiment, explaining what options you can choose for the various parameters. Once you're familiar with the options and settings you prefer, you can bypass this wordy experiment setup and use the Express Setup page, which also allows you to save a custom request as a bookmark in your browser.
Experiment Type

Select the type of experiment you want to run by checking one of the buttons below:

Simulates an experiment using pseudorandom data generated on your own computer, rather than using data from the Fourmilab radioactive decay random number generator. This mode allows demonstrating the experiment without consuming genuine random data (which are generated rather slowly), and avoids the delay due to obtaining random data over the Internet. It allows you to see what the experiment will look like without actually running it.
Runs an experiment using random data, but only displays the score on your own machine. A record of the run is made in the RPKP Project experiment database for quality control purposes, but will not be used for statistical analysis of experimental results.
Performs an “on the record” experiment, in which your results will be recorded permanently in the RPKP Project experiment database under the identification you entered in the “E-mail address” field. The mode settings you chose for the experiment are recorded along with your score, to permit analysis of any influence they may have had on the results.

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