Monday, August 24, 2009

UFO disclosure: America starts the process

The Sacramento UFO Examiner as well as many others have reported on the fact that UFO and ET disclosure is not only your business but is imperative to have the truth disclosed. It is your business and National security have nothing to do with it. Enough is enough. Lets get on with it.

Beneath the fabric of American society a secret exists, a very big secret.

Only a relative few are aware of this secret. This secret has the power to change the face of human civilization forever and therefore great steps are taken to keep as few people from knowing about it. However the keepers of this information realize that they can’t keep its details hidden from the public forever.
I have been investigating this topic for many years now and have utilized what I believe totally novel methods for getting to the bottom of this. I don’t profess to know the whole story by any means but I think I have gained some understanding of the basics. Here they are:
  • Earth lies within the territory and sphere of influence of an alien civilization which is based in Andromeda Galaxy.
  • These aliens enter earth’s atmosphere from time to time and have done so, on occasion, for thousands of years.
  • Our civilization has been subtly influenced by these roughly humanoid beings and we are probably some form of offshoot of them. They have influenced our moral values through religion and helped our forefathers embark on the road to technological society.
  • There are other civilizations and planets containing life in the Milky Way as well.
  • The aliens are referred to as ‘Axthadans’.
Many ask the question: Why is this information so secret?

The answer is obvious. Human beings and in particular Western Europeans are used to being the masters of their domain. The news that we are a small, rather insignificant group located within the realms of another much more advanced civilization will be ego-crushing for humanity as whole and particularly devastating for the Western Nations.

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