Paranormal Searchers

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Human-Dog Hybrid Hoax

Those concerned with cloned and genetically modified animals often ask: Have scientists gone too far? What are the implications of new frontiers in genetics?

One horrific answer appeared recently in a widely-circulated story: "Israeli scientists are examining what appears to be a trans-species between a Labrador retriever and human. While genetically considered impossible, humane workers found remains of an earlier trans-species, believed to be the parent of the animal pictured above, shallow buried in the owner's property. The human parent of the animals is believed to be the teen-aged son of the family well known in politics. DNA studies are in process and results are expected early next month."

It was accompanied by a photo of what appeared to be a strange half-woman, half-dog (or pig) hybrid mother nursing its young. The image has flooded inboxes around the world, accompanied by messages—some satirical, others clearly serious — often suggesting that the image is a horrific warning of the consequences of genetic manipulation (or, perhaps, bestiality).

Of course this hybrid doesn't exist. It's not an actual animal but instead a sculpture by artist Patricia Piccinini, from her 2003 exhibition "We Are Family."

[Read More at Strange News]

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