Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A haunted home is never really a lonely home

Beth Ashley of the Marin Independent Journal talks about the spirits in her home:
I live in a haunted house.

In recent months I've spent days there alone, but it really hasn't been scary.

At first it was uncomfortable: All my life I have lived with someone else - as a daughter, a college student, a working girl, a wife.

But after Bruce - my roommate/nephew of 17 years - died in March, and before my husband-to-be began staying over, I spent most of my days and nights at home by myself.

You'd expect the house to seem painfully empty, but it never did.

The Greenbrae house has been my home since I married in 1959 and moved there from my family home in Belvedere. At first there were five of us - my husband, myself, our three sons. Soon afterward we added two boys, so the house was seriously (and happily) overcrowded.

It played host to ongoing party time -crowds of young people, frequent family gatherings, kids who stayed overnight. We were never alone, even when we wanted to be. Not that we wanted to be often; a full house seemed part of the natural order.

When my husband died, the rest of us lived there together, although one by one the boys left for college or jobs.

Before the house emptied completely, along came Bruce. He came - and never left. We were the happiest of companions; he lived in the bedroom downstairs, but his presence was everywhere huge.

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