Monday, July 27, 2009

The Family: The World's Most Dangerous Christian Cult

The Fellowship believes that the elite win power by the will of God, who uses them for his purposes. Its mission is to help the powerful understand their role in God’s plan. The Family represents "Jesus plus nothing," as its leader, Doug Coe, puts it, the "totalitarianism of God," What makes "The Family" so dangerous is they have unfettered access to our leaders in the U.S government at all levels.

Doug Coe, the leader compares the level of commitment necessary, to the blind devotion that Adolph Hitler demanded from his disciples. Citing Hitler, Lenin and Mao as leadership models, the Family's current leader, Doug Coe, declares, 'We work with power where we can, build new power where we can't'.

There are also distinct similarites between The Nazis' Thule Gellenschaft Occult society and The Family. Further, connections with The Institute Of Noetic Sciences and The Family have also been discovered.

The Noetic Institute's pursuit of expanded psyhic abilites falls in line with Thule Gellenschaft's and The Family's new world order objectives. The sex scandals involving Republicans at the C Street House, owned by The Family, are a possible blend of Thule occult sex practices and the Aleister Crowly "Do what thou Wilt" dictates.

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